How To See Hidden Mentions On Instagram Story

Instagram stories have become a popular way for users to share moments from their daily lives with their followers. One feature of Instagram stories that many users may not be aware of is the ability to hide mentions from specific users. This can be useful for various reasons, such as avoiding unwanted attention or maintaining privacy.

It’s important to know how to find hidden mentions for thorough engagement. In this article, we’ll explore how to see hidden mentions on Instagram story. By the end of this article, you’ll learn how to uncover hidden mentions.

What do hidden mentions refer to in Instagram Stories?

Hidden mentions on Instagram Stories are a feature that lets users tag other accounts without displaying their username as text on the story. Users can select the mentioned sticker option and type the username to tag another account. The mentioned account receives a notification, but their username is not visible on the story itself.

Hidden mentions can be strategically used to promote other accounts or encourage engagement. They trigger notifications, boosting interaction and visibility for both parties. Overall, hidden mentions on Instagram Stories allow users to acknowledge and connect with others without disrupting the storytelling experience.

Can we see hidden mentions on Instagram?

When you share a story on Instagram, you can see all mentioned users, whether hidden or not. But you can’t see hidden mentions if someone else posts the story. Whether you can see them depends on the privacy settings: If the account is private, you can’t see hidden tags; if it’s public, you can. However, after 24 hours, the story will no longer be visible unless it’s moved to highlights, where mentions can still be viewed.

What is the purpose of using hidden mentions on Instagram?


Sometimes, users may want to tag someone discreetly in a post. With a hidden mention, the tagged user is notified without publicly displaying their username.

Increased engagement:

By tagging other users in your stories without them being visible to everyone, you can encourage them to engage with your content without making it obvious to your followers.


Sometimes, users may prefer to acknowledge someone or give them credit discreetly. Using a hidden mention allows them to do so discreetly.

Aesthetic purposes:

Sometimes, users may want a cleaner look for their posts or stories without visible mentions, especially for a specific aesthetic. Hiding tags creates a cleaner, more visually appealing presentation, avoiding cluttered screens that distract from the main content.

How To See Hidden Mentions On Instagram Story

Revealing hidden mentions on Instagram stories is simple but involves extra steps. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Log in to your Instagram account.

Step 2: Open your profile and tap on the three dots.

Step 3: Select “Story Settings” from the menu.

Step 4: Choose “Hidden Mentions” from the list.

Step 5: Double-click to turn it on.

You can now see mentions on your story by double-clicking on them.

How To Hide Mentions In Instagram Stories

You can hide mentions in Instagram stories by these methods:

1. Move the Mention Sticker outside the Story Area:

  • Create the story and mention your friend.
  • Press and hold the sticker, then move it outside the screen.

2. Cover the Mention sticker with other elements:

  • Create an Instagram story and mention your friend.
  • Add another sticker or photo to cover the mentioned sticker.

Read Also: Best Ways To Save Instagram Stories

How To Hide Tagged Photos or Videos On Instagram

To hide a photo or video you’re tagged in:

  • Tap the photo or video.
  • Tap your username.
  • Select “Hide from My Profile.”

To hide multiple photos or videos at once:

  • Go to your profile and tap the three horizontal lines icon.
  • Go to ‘Settings,’ then ‘Privacy,’ and then ‘Tags.’
  • Tap ‘Hide Photos and Videos.’
  • Choose the photos or videos you want to hide and then tap ‘Hide’ followed by ‘Hide From Profile.’

How To Unhide Tagged Photos or Videos On Instagram

To make hidden photos or videos visible on Instagram:

  • Open your Instagram app.
  • Go to your profile by tapping the icon at the bottom right.
  • Tap on the tagged icon.
  • Find a post where you’ve been tagged but don’t want it hidden anymore.
  • Tap “Edit” at the top right of the post.
  • Go to “Pending tags” and pick the post with the tag.
  • Tap the three lines in the top right corner.
  • Select “Tag Options.”
  • Choose “Show on My Profile.”

FAQs On How To Find Hidden Mentions On Instagram Story

Can we see hidden mentions on others Instagram Stories?

If I mention someone in my Instagram story, can they see it even if they don’t follow me?

If you hide your Instagram story from someone, will you be able to see theirs?

What happens when someone mention you in their Instagram story?


Hidden mentions on Instagram stories drive engagement and connection with your audience. Uncovering and leveraging them effectively strengthens follower relationships, fostering an interactive community. Regularly checking for hidden mentions and engaging with users who mention you is vital for building a loyal following.

Next time you get a cryptic notification about being mentioned in a story, don’t worry. Use the techniques shared today to uncover hidden secrets in your Instagram stories. Happy exploring!

Read Also: How To Save Others Instagram Stories

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How To See Hidden Mentions On Instagram Story

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